Bark Paintings



Robert Bibora: Female Lightning Spirit (Namarrgon or Namarrkon) Bark Painting

Ochre Pigments on Stringy Bark

Language Group: Gunardba

Clan: Bopen

Catalogue Number: R78-SR

Painted at M____, November 1982

Certificate signed by Simon Kyle Little

Maningrida Arts & Culture


David Milaybuma: born circa 1938, died 1983

This pair of bark paintings represent Numunwari (Saltwater Crocodile) and Gazawun (Goanna).

“Namangwari, the saltwater crocodile, Corcodylus porosus. Namangwari is a Yiridja moiety totem. The saltwater crocodile is making a comeback in the north after being almost shot out of existence during the 1950s. The upper Liverpool River and Maragalidban Creek areas are again heavily populated with crocodiles. The crocodiles build their nests in swamps and the long grass beside the rivers, usually at the beginning of the wet season. They are rarely hunted for food these days, though travellers on the river still stop to raid nests for the eggs.

Namangwari is an important totem and is danced in the sacred and secret ritual of the marian ceremony.” Maningrida Arts and Crafts

“Namanjwarre” created a number of sacred sites along the Liverpool and Mann rivers which run close to the home of the artist at Gubumi outstation.” National Museum Australia

At least one of Milaybuma’s crocodiles has been described as living “in a lagoon on the land side of a mountain range south of Maningrida. (The crocodile) decided to go to the sea, so he chewed his way through the ranges to the sea, and created the Liverpool River.” National Museum Australia.

*A bark painting by Milaybuma was on Australia’s 27c stamp labeled                                                 “Aboriginal Culture Music and Dance”

Postage Stamp and newspaper article (I have) tells how he paints.


David Milaybuma: Numunwari…Saltwater Crocodile Bark Painting

Ochre Pigments on Stringy Bark

Language Group: Gunwinggu

Catalogue Number: Q671-ORR

Painted at Marriloldban, August 1982

Certificate signed by Simon Kyle Little

Maningrida Arts & Culture

*A bark painting by Milaybuma was on Australia’s 27c stamp labeled “Aboriginal Culture Music and Dance”



David Milaybuma: Gazawun…The Goanna Bark Painting

Ochre Pigments on Stringy Bark

Language Group: Gunwinggu

Catalogue Number: Q766-CR

Painted at Marriloldban, August 1982

Certificate signed by Simon Kyle Little

Maningrida Arts & Culture

*A bark painting by Milaybuma was on Australia’s 27c stamp labeled “Aboriginal Culture Music and Dance”



Medium: Ochre Pigments on Stringy Bark















Conservation of Bark Paintings

Artists painted on inside walls of bark shelters: notes on Wally Mandarrk and Mick Kubarkku